to BusinessDictionary, Attitude is a predisposition or a tendency
to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea, object, person, or
situation. Attitude influences an individual's choice of action, and responses
to challenges, incentives, and rewards (together called stimuli).
Four major components of attitude are:
(1) Affective: emotions or feelings.
(2) Cognitive: belief or opinions held
(3) Conative: inclination for action.
(4) Evaluative: positive or negative
response to stimuli.
of the following do you think has the biggest effect on your happiness?
- · your circumstances
- · your genes
- · your attitude
SOME would choose “circumstances,” perhaps saying, “I would
be happy.
- · “if only I had more money”
- · “if only I had a great marriage”
- · “if only I had better health”
- · “If only, if only…”
In reality, though, attitude often trumps circumstances and
genes when it comes to happiness. And that is good news. Why? Because unlike
your circumstances or your genes—over which you have little or no control—you
can control your attitude.
“Good Attitude; Good Medicine”
A joyful
heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit saps one’s strength. In other
words, your attitude makes a difference! It can affect whether you attain a
goal or give up or whether a tragic event brings out the best in you or the
Some people might be skeptical of that idea. They might
- · ‘Why hide my hardships behind a mask of optimism?’
- · ‘No amount of positive thinking will change my situation.’
- · ‘I would rather be a realist than a dreamer.’
Those thoughts might seem valid. Still, there are benefits
to adopting a positive outlook.
Our attitudes
can make differences in our lives.
“Our descriptions are in our attitudes and not in our names;
our names are signboards of our attitudes”
-Rufus E. Clinton
1. Avoid Pessimism
having this general belief that bad things will happen. Pessimism will sap you
of the strength you need to improve your situation or to help you deal with it.
If you become discouraged in the day of distress, your strength will be meager.
2. Focus On the Positive
All the
days of the afflicted one are bad, but the one with a cheerful heart has a
continual feast.
If you
see everything negatively, you will feel “afflicted” and every day will appear
“bad,” or gloomy. But if you focus on positive things, you will have “a
cheerful heart” and even feel joyful. The choice is yours. Be POSITIVE!
3. Do Things for
“Blessed is the one that gives than the one that receives” – Lucky Dube
There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.
giving brings deep satisfaction to the giver. Why? Because we were created to
do more than simply look after our own needs. Experiencing the joy of giving
can do much to help us cope with negative circumstances in life.
What I Suggest You Should Do:
Look for opportunities to be self-sacrificing. For example,
can you prepare a meal for a sick neighbor? Do you know elderly ones who need
help with tasks around the home?
Care for your
attitude in the same way you would cultivate a garden. Root out the poisonous
weeds of pessimism and negativity. Sow seeds of realistic optimism, and
fertilize your life with actions that produce positive emotions. You will reap
an emotional crop that will make your life much more rewarding. And it will
confirm the fact that attitude makes a difference!
For the
sake of their health, some people learn to say no to certain foods; you can do
the same with negative attitudes.
A stone is broken by the last
stroke of Hammer. This doesn’t mean that the first stroke is useless. Success is the result of
continuous efforts. Keep working on your attitude subconsciously and consciously. It is a slow and stead process.
What Do You Suggest, What Do You
What bothers you? Comment below, Let’s ponder on it together!
to help another person.
Ref: BusinessDictionary,, Bible